Artem Tomak is in the AUBL (born in 2011) symbolic five of the season

Артем Томак

Last weekend, the championship of the All-Ukrainian Youth Basketball League among boys born in 2011 came to the end in Chernivtsi.

As a reminder, our “Prometey” team gained bronze medals. The Lytvak SCYSSOR, Odesa became the national champion in this age category.

After the Final Four finished, the MVP and the symbolic five of the 2023/2024 season were determined. Young “Prometey” player Artem Tomak (26.4 points, 13.8 rebounds, 3.5 steals, 30.4 PER in 10 WBL games) is among the best players of the season.

With a rating of 30.4 points, Artem became the most efficient player in the league among boys born in 2011.

Mykyta Stamati of the Lytvak Sports School was named the MVP of the season in this age category.