BC Prometey will start the new championship at home with a match against BC Zaporizhzhia

1 тур чоловiчої Суперлiги сезону 2021/2022

The new championship of the men's Super League of the 2021/2022 season will start on September 23 with a match between BC Dnipro and BC Kharkivski Sokoly. As part of the opening game week of the national championship, six matches will be played - the first matches of the new season will be played by all 12 teams of the Windrose Super League. For our "Prometey", the championship, like the previous two, will open with a home match against BC "Zaporizhzhia". The teams will close the tour on September 26.

As part of the regular season, four rounds will be played, followed by play-off matches.