General sponsor showed appearance of the road from Tsarychanka to Gubynykha the year after repair

Генеральний спонсор "Прометея" показав вигляд дороги від Царичанки до Губинихи за рік після ремонту

Strong shoulder for "Prometey".

We are proud to continue talking about our partner, the general sponsor of BC "Prometey", the company Budinvest Engineering.

In difficult times for the country, sport lives on thanks to the support of true patriots.

It is this company, which during the war, in addition to supporting sports, continues fulfilling the orders of the Military Administration for the repair and restoration of roads in the Dnipropetrovsk region and guarantees that all repaired roads will remain in high-quality and passable for a long time.

The press service of "Budinvest Engineering" demonstrated what the road from Tsarychanka to Gubynykha looks like a year after the repair.