"Prometey" defeated the Superleague representative "Politechnica-Halychyna" and advanced to the Final Four of the Cup of Ukraine


BC”Prometey” – BC “Politechnica-Halychyna” (lviv) – 84:44 (24:16, 24:8, 16:18, 24:2). February 18. Cup of Ukraine. 1/4 final. Slobozhanske. SC “Slobozhanskyi”.

BC “Prometey”: Klimov (8), Maksym Bezyma (4), Klevzunyk (15 + 11 rebounds + 3 steals), Mykyta Bezyma (8), Sandul (7 + 12 rebounds) – starting five; Kleban (11), Petrenko (6), Holovchyk, captain (10), Bublyk (17), Shavharov (1 + 5 assists), Lyjhoi (1).

BC “Politechnica-Halychyna”: Kachanov (12 + 5 rebounds), Hodov, captain (3 + 3 assists), Smitiuh (2), Karpiuk (11 + 8 rebounds), Safonov (4) – starting five; Putko (0), Bartolomeiev(12), Pasholok (0), Stanishevsyi (0), Synkiv (0).

In the final match of the bubble of the Cup of Ukraine  in Slobozhanske, “Prometey” and “Politechnica-Halychyna” lviv were fighting for the first ticket to the semi-final of the tournament. During the off-season, the “titans” actively played control matches against the Superleague representatives. However, today’s confrontation was much more significant. In addition to other things, the game should have demonstrated if Oleksandr Pashchenko’s team is capable of solving serious tasks now, not only in the High League.

"Prometey" passed this test with honour. It worth saying that our team did not allow the opponent to lead during the match at all, starting with a 6-0 spurt in the first two minutes of the confrontation. Three-point shots did not work for the “titans” in the opening quarter (5 failed attempts), although they managed to successfully use a vast variety of other options in the offence, including individual drives. Already in the 7th minute, the handicap of "Prometey" reached a double-digit and in the second quarter the dominance of our team became even more clear. It finally started succeeding in long-range offensives (Dmytro Kleban and two hits by Mykhailo Bublyk). As a result, the teams went for the long break with a double advantage of the hosting team - 48:24.

After the long break, the guests managed a 6:0 run, but in the quarter N3, one of the leaders of "Polytechnica", Maksym Safonov, was forced to leave the court due to five fouls. After that, it became much more difficult for the extremely limited roster of the team from Lviv to solve the task of saving the match. 

"Polytechnica-Halychyna" managed to win the third quarter, but with a minimal difference (18:16), and in the final ten-minute segment, "Prometey" again was much stronger than its opponent was and calmly drove the game to a winning result - 88:44.

Our team reached the semi-final stage of the Cup of Ukraine for the first time in its history. The Final Four of the tournament is scheduled for March.