Men’s Ukrainian national basketball team obtained a victory over Iceland 79:72 in a home qualification match for the WC-2023, which took place in Riga.
Four “Prometey” players made a considerable input in the success of our national team. Herewith, three of them (Illia Sydorov, Oleksandr Lypovyy and Ivan Tkachenko) came out in the starting five.
Oleksandr Lypovyy brought to the national team 16 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists! Denys Lukashov gained 10 points, made 5 rebounds and 6 assists! Lukashov and Lypovyy spent on the court almost 30 minutes each, perhaps in some meaning constrainedly, as Illia Sydorov got injured in the third quarter and did not come to the court any more. Within 16 minutes of the game, Illia gained 8 points, made 2 rebounds and 4 assists. Ivan Tkachenko brought 6 points and together with Volodymyr Herun was the best in rebounds (10 each), also Ivan made 3 assists and 2 block-shots.
The national team of Ukraine came off the third victory in the group qualification tournament for the WC-2023, the next matches our team will hold at the end of February.