"Prometey" players have brought 19 points to National team

Іссуф Санон

The National team of Ukraine played their first match at a friendly tournament in Turkey. Let us remind, the head coach Ainars Bagatskis took there, to the control matches, all four representatives of "Prometey" - Denys Lukashov, Issuf Sanon, Illia Sydorov and Ivan Tkachenko. All four participated in the match.




Turkey - Ukraine 96:70 (25:12, 24:17, 26:19, 21:22)




Sanon: 21 minutes, 6 points + 3 rebounds + 3 assists


Sydorov: 16 minutes, 6 points + 1 rebound + 1 assist


Lukashov: 19 minutes, 4 points + 1 rebound + 4 assists


Tkachenko: 17 minutes, 3 points + 1 rebound




Tomorrow, on August 12, Ukrainian team will play against the Polish team.


And on August 13, a match with the Slovenian National team with Luka Doncic is awaiting us.