Last weekend, the All-Ukrainian Youth Basketball League championship among boys born in 2010 ended in Khmelnytsky. As a reminder, our “Prometey”won bronze medals in the tournament. Uzhhorod SCYSS became the National champion in this age category, in the final, they defeated the SCYSSOR-5-DFKS from Dnipro with a score of 95:93.
After the Final 4 finished, the MVP and the symbolic five of the 2023/2024 season were determined. Two “Prometey” players are among the best players of the season: team captain Rodion Timchenko (17.1 points, 18.6 rebounds, 1.1 assists, PER 29.7) and Makar Konovnitsyn (19.4 points, 17.2 rebounds, 1.8 assists, PER 26).
The prizes were presented to the boys by former “Prometey” head coach (2020-2021) Vitaliy Cherniy.
Artem Dyordyay, the guard of SCYSS (Uzhhorod), who became the best in terms of efficiency and RE, was named the MVP of the season in this age category for the second year in a row.