Denys Lukashov gave an interview to the FBU press-serviice, where he told about his charity auction where he managed to raise funds to help his relative, who is defending Ukraine as part of the 56 separate brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Denys’s personal T-shirt with autographs of the National team’s players became a lot in this auction.
- Tell us more, please about this fundraising. Whose idea was it and how important is this fundraising for you?
- To start with, at the beginning of this year, one of my relatives and my daughter’s godfather went to defend Ukrainian freedom and independence. I would like to make an accent on the fact that he was born in Russia, all his family are Russians, but at some stage, they have moved to Ukraine. And now, with arms in hand, he is fighting against Russians in Bakhmut. Previously, he had special training and experience of service in force structures.
From the first day, there was a great need in thermal cameras, walkie-talkies. I have already arranged fundraisings among “Prometey” players but the collected amount was small, we were able to buy just some small things. Together with teammates, we regularly collect come money for different help. This includes help for children with balls for trainings, help for one girl from our cheerleading group whose father perished in the war and she remained with a little brother, help for Sid’s (Illia Sydorov) uncle, for Ivan Tkachenko’s godfather. With each time the amount decreases.
In early July, my wife phoned me and told that my relative, just banally, cartridges are not given and there is a shortage in them not only for trainings but also for real combat tasks. I was scared and urgently transferred money just to help at least somehow. Later, I contacted this man, and he explained to me that he was given a good American rifle, but the cartriges for it were not provided in the financing. One cartridge costs about UAH 300. He sent a video where he makes them himself in between combat tasks with pre-purchased bullets and gunpowder for his own and his combat sworn brothers.
In August, Misha Vavryshchuk, who has been living in Denver for a long time, wrote to me with an offer to hold an auction to raise funds to purchase drones. All I had to do was to provide a game T-shirt and a short video message. He showed how they had already collected money for drones and sent them to Ukraine. I said I had a T-shirt and explained to him the situation my relative was in and asked if we could help him as well. Misha replied that, of course, we could direct all the collected funds to the purchase of components for cartridges.
I sent my T-shirt to his mum, who is in Ukraine, and we started the auction. Mykhailo suggested not to wait until the big amount is collected, and to start purchasing right now with his personal money. This was so unexpected, since the estimated amount for the first part was about 60,000 hryvnias. As a result, in a week, the bullets and the press were already in guys’ hands. The only difficulty was that my relative was on a combat mission and could be out of touch for several days.
- In your opinion, how important are for society this kind of fundraisings held by athletes?
- I believe that every Ukrainian - no matter if they are athletes or representatives of any other realm - should try to help in whatever way they can. Someone can help financially, someone physically, someone informationally. Those who knows me, can say I am not a media person and I do not like social networks, so it is more difficult for me to draw people’s attention, but I know that many famous Ukrainian athletes are actively involved in various fundraisings and foundations. But even so, I do everything I can. Playing in France, I participated in meetings with our compatriots, in Riga I helped physically in refugee centres several times. Coming outs with flags before the start of the games - all these attract people's attention.
Therefore, athletes, particularly those who play abroad, should remind the whole world that there is a war in Ukraine, and that people continue dying on our land, not only militaries, but also civilians, including children. And, with our results, we have to show that we are worthy of living in an independent and sovereign country, and we have a lot to be proud of.
Prometheus helps in this regard, providing free tickets for all Ukrainians, as well as master classes for children. And if athletes can gift their followers a moment of pride for their country or a little joy for children during communication or a photo after the match - we must do it.